Generate quotes on Epos Now

Generate quotes on Epos Now

Our order templates app can be used to generate quotes on Epos Now. Once you have setup a quote template on our app, you can then generate a quote on Epos Now using the following steps
  1. Add items to your order in Epos Now as normal
  2. Select a customer (optional)
  3. Click on the ‘Order Layaway’ button at the bottom right of the till (next to the pay button) – click on ‘order anyway’ if prompted
  4. This puts the order into ‘ordered’ status on the till which is very similar to the on-hold status. It doesn’t take items out of stock and doesn’t count towards your sales figures
  5. Click on the order templates action button, select the order, and print it using your quote template
If the quote needs to be amended or the customer wishes to proceed, you can re-open this order and continue:
  1. Click on the ‘orders’ button at the top right of the till
  2. Select your order from the orders in the ‘ordered’ status
  3. Click on resume
  4. Edit the order if needed
  5. Click on ‘pay’ if the customer wishes to proceed, or you can click on ‘order/layaway’ again.

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