How to use the product linker

How to use the product linker

Our product linker shows products from both WooCommerce and EposNow and shows how they are linked.

When an order is placed on EposNow, our integration checks for the relevant product links and can then sync the order to EposNow using the relevant EposNow product. When a stock update is received from EposNow, we check to see which Woo product is linked so that we can update the stock level on Woo for the relevant product.

When you have product sync enabled, when a new product is created on Woo, we check to see if the product exists on EposNow, and if it does not exist, then we create the product and link it automatically. If it does exist, we link to the existing product automatically.

When you are first getting started, you may have products on both WooCommerce and EposNow and before the sync can be switched on, the Woo products that exist on EposNow need to be linked so that when the syncs switch on, there are no duplicates.

To access the product linker:
  1. Log in to our dashboard
  2. Open your EposNow WooCommerce App
  3. Select product linker from the menu

The product linker works by storing a copy of your product data in the browser on your device. The date/time that the products were last refreshed is shown as highlighted above.

You can click on the blue refresh icons on both sides to fetch the products from EposNow and WooCommerce. The speed of this will depend on how quickly the EposNow API and WooCommerce API on your website are responding. Refresh these one at a time and wait for the fetch to complete and you will then see all the products on both sides.

Here is an example from our test account:

Colour Codes

You will notice that the link/unlink button on the WooCommerce side is colour coded:
  1. Green: Linked and healthy
  2. Red: Linked, but the linked product on EposNow cannot be found on the EposNow side.
    1. Refresh the products on the EposNow side to see if the product can be found after a refresh
  3. Yellow: Not linked
  4. Blue: Ready to save. Click on the save button at the top right to save the link and it will go green once saved.
  5. Grey: Linked but product not found on the WooCommerce side
    1. Refresh the products on the WooCommerce side to see if the product can be found after a refresh.
    2. If not found, we recommend unlinking the product.

Linking Products

Auto Matching

To link products, you can try to find matches automatically by using the Find product matches dropdown at the top right of the screen:

This will try to find matches based on the criteria you select. We recommend selecting the option to find new matches only as this is much quicker. You can use the overwrite option if required, but this can take a bit more time to run as it has to go through all the products including the ones that are already linked.

If there is no product data that matches on both sides, you can also manually link the products. This is usually much quicker than editing the product data on WooCommerce and EposNow one by one.

To link manually:
  1. Select the product on the EposNow side
  2. Click on the link button on the WooCommerce side
  3. Save the links
    1. This can be done once you linked a batch of products


The search function is quite powerful and both sides have their own search box. This searches all the product data to see what matches.

You can search for exact text by enclosing your search terms in double quotes. For example, if you want to search for the exact term 'blue hat', then you would enter "blue hat" including the double quotes in the search box.

Downloading Product Data

You can copy the product data and save it into a document, or download a CSV using the button at the top of the page.

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