Order Templates Compatibility
This KB article shows which devices are compatible with our Order Templates app and any known issues.
Our Order Templates app is fully compatible with:
- EposNow Windows based Till
- EposNow Windows based Back Office
- EposNow Back Office accessed via your PC (Windows, MacOS, Linux) using Google Chrome/Microsoft Edge
- These are the browsers that we test with and are fully supported. The app may work with other browsers but these are not fully tested by us.
Please note that if you want to print out our templates directly from an Android Till, it is usable but there is a limitation on this currently. EposNow are aware of these limitations and are working on them.

IMPORTANT: Currently a blue block prints at the top of all print outs from Android based devices (see screenshot below – blue block is highlighted). This is a known limitation and the EposNow team are working on a fix for this.
If wish to print from an Android till, we suggest that you add a spacer at the top of your template in our template editor to avoid any overlap with the blue block.
If you do not want the blue block to print at the top of your template, then the workaround is to print the template out from your back office in a supported browser, for example Chrome on a Windows/Mac/Linux PC. The EposNow back office can be accessed via your browser at this URL:
Important: Please also note that any printers you want to use with the EposNow Android Till must be compatible with the default Android Print Service. If your printer requires an Android App to be installed, then this will not be possible as third party apps cannot be installed on EposNow Android Tills currently. The best way to test this is to use an Android phone/tablet and try to print any document and see if the printer shows up in the Android print service.
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