Product sync
Cost prices in EposNow
The product cost price in EposNow is used to track your profit margins on your sales. This is how it works: Stock is added to EposNow let's say quantity 10 is added for product X EposNow creates a stock batch for quantity 10 with whatever cost price ...
Linking multiple WooCommerce products to a single Epos Now product
In certain cases, it is useful to be able to link a single Epos Now product to multiple WooCommerce products. One example is with measured products. Let’s say you sell flour in-store per kilo. On your website, you will probably sell it in ...
Product sync error messages
The error messages you may receive with product sync are listed below along with steps to take to resolve these. Error Message Notes Actions Multiple Woo products linked to EposNow product This error occurs if more than one WooCommerce product is ...
Converting simple products to variable products
For this article, we will use a t-shirt as an example product. The t-shirt comes in 3 sizes, small/medium/large. We already have 3 products setup on WooCommerce as simple products, one for each size. Before creating a variable product and deleting ...
Enable SKU field on EposNow
In order to be able to see the SKU field in EposNow, the webstore module needs to be enabled on your EposNow account. This gets enabled as part of our setup by default, but if you want to get your product data ready prior to signing up with us, you ...
How to generate barcodes in WooCommerce
We can map the WooCommerce SKU field or any meta field to the Barcode field in EposNow. Our plugin also provides a custom field to enter the barcode. A popular plugin that our clients use to set barcodes and auto generate barcodes in WooCommerce is ...
Linking categories
You can link WooCommerce categories to EposNow categories using our category linker. To link the categories, first refresh the categories from EposNow and WooCommerce using the blue refresh icons. Once the categories have loaded: Select a category on ...
Product names and descriptions on Epos Now
Our integration is able to sync your WooCommerce product name to Epos Now. This is optional and can be switched OFF if you do not want to overwrite your product names on Epos Now. When the product name is being synced, there are a few restrictions to ...
Importing Epos Now products into WooCommerce
Our product sync works by syncing products from WooCommerce > Epos Now. We do not sync products in the opposite direction. If you need to sync product data from Epos Now > WooCommerce, you can do this by exporting the products from Epos Now and then ...
WooCommerce Meta Fields
We store some data in meta fields on WooCommerce. This KB article will list out these meta fields which can be useful in importing/exporting data from Woo Products The custom fields for products are listed here. You can see where to find them in the ...
Custom fields for EposNow data on WooCommerce
When product sync is enabled, you will see additional fields for EposNow product data in your WooCommerce admin panel. For simple products, you can find it in the EposNow (Slynk) tab when editing a product as shown below: For variable products, you ...
How does product sync work?
With our integration, products sync from WooCommerce > Epos Now. We took a deep dive into seeing if it was technically feasible to have the sync working in the other direction but came to the conclusion that it was not feasible if we wanted to ensure ...
Product sync options
Our product sync is built to be flexible with granular control of which fields sync and when. Settings Setting Notes Product matching criteria We have 3 levels of product matching criteria. The integration will check to see if we can find a product ...