Importing Epos Now products into WooCommerce
Our product sync works by syncing products from WooCommerce > Epos Now. We do not sync products in the opposite direction.
If you need to sync product data from Epos Now > WooCommerce, you can do this by exporting the products from Epos Now and then importing them into WooCommerce. There are a few things to be careful with and we will outline them here as well as our recommended process.
Export products from Epos Now
To export products from Epos Now, there are 2 options.
1. The Epos Now Back Office
EposNow have an export feature built into their
product listing page (EposNow back office > Manage > Products > Product List), but this sometimes strips out the leading zeros from barcodes, so if you use barcodes, then we recommend using the Bulk Import app.
- Open the Bulk Import app
- Select the product update template and select All Suppliers from the dropdown list
- This will download a CSV file with all the EposNow products
2. The Product Linker
You also have access to our product linker (login to the
Slynk Dashboard to access) and this can be used to export all the products from the Epos Now side with all the relevant fields. We recommend having a look at this KB article:
How to use the product linker.
Editing the CSV file
If you need to edit the CSV file, we do not recommend opening the file directly in Excel. Excel will strip out any leading zeros from Barcodes and other fields.
To open the file safely in Excel:
- Open Excel
- Open a new workbook
- Select Data > Get External Data > From Text
- Select the data type as delimited (newer versions of Excel will detect this automatically)
- Tick the box for My data has headers (newer versions of Excel will detect this automatically)
- Select the delimiter as Comma
- On newer versions of Excel, you will need to click on the transform data button
- Select the columns which have leading zeros (e.g. barcode) and set the Column data format as Text.
- On newer versions of Excel, this screen will look slightly different to the screenshot below, but all you need to do is select the column and set the format as text (shown as an ABC icon)
- Click on Finish/Import and you will now have proper data in Excel. We recommend saving this as an XLSX file so that you easily edit again without going through this same process again for this same download.
- If you download a new CSV from Epos Now, then you will have to go through this process again.
- You can now edit the file as needed and save it as an XLSX file
Importing the data into WooCommerce
- You must set a positive stock level for each product in the import, otherwise WooCommerce sets the manage stock property to false which means you cannot set a zero stock level.
- If manage stock is not set, then WooCommerce ignores all stock updates that we send.
- More information on the columns required for the default Woo import are here.
- The export from EposNow only contains the product data, not the stock levels so if you used the built in importer, it would set the manage stock to false for all products.
Our recommended plugin to import into WooCommerce is
WP All Import. This is a premium plugin but is very configurable and you can be very selective about the data that should be imported. It also does not require you to change the column order or column names in the Excel file.
We recommend following
this guide from WP All Import on importing WooCommerce products.
These are some of our suggestions for setting up WP All Import
- Create separate import profiles for creating and updating products
- You can still use the same import file, but this way you can specify what should and shouldn’t be updated
- On the create profile
- Set this profile to create new products only
- Map the fields from the EposNow Export to the relevant WooCommerce fields
- We recommend importing the EposNow fields into the WooCommerce meta fields available on our plugin. A full list of the meta fields available can be seen in this KB article.
- Tick manage stock
- On the update profile:
- Set this profile to update products only
- Set how WP All Import will identify a product. In this example, we would use the EposNow SKU field to match to the Woo SKU field, update this to reflect your matching criteria.
- Set the fields that should be updated
- This will ensure that all other fields remain untouched
You can now use the same file to run the create profile which will create any new products, and the update profile which will update existing products.

NOTE: We recommend that you take a backup of your WooCommerce database before running the imports just in case you need to roll back.
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